Specialized Chamberlain garage door service provider
Here you can find the smartest answers to your questions. Don't let garage door repair trouble you. We can make your life easier.
How many springs are there?
Basically, there are two types. Garage Door Repair Tarpon Springs says that the torsion spring is installed at the upper part of the door and is suitable for heavy doors and the extension springs on the two sides keep balance of the door and used for lightweight doors.
Why does the door stop half way down?
You must check all basic components including the condition of the cables and springs, but mainly focus on the opener. It is the job of the opener to make sure the garage door is down and well shut on the floor.
Will it mean savings on my part if I install garage door opener on my own?
Truth be told, you may save some money. As a matter of fact, according to professionals at Garage Door Repair Tarponsprings , a new garage door opener will often cost you around $135-$230, and might take you half a day to install. Because of this reason, it would be wise to think twice before attempting to do the work on your own.
Why is wood not recommended for high moisture regions?
Today, even wood is elaborated in detail in order to be resistant. Manufacturers use special coats that make them more resistant to elements but don't forget the high moisture will inevitably affect their condition. Wood garage doors will need maintenance service more regularly and depending on the local conditions and frequency of services they might warp. Warping will compromise your insulation and safety. Wood will cost you much in high humidity regions.
What is the difference between the different drives?
According to garage door repair Tarpon Springs pros, chain-drive openers are the oldest and most popular types of openers. Screw-drive openers do not use belts, chains or gears, and this calls for very little maintenance. Belt-drive openers are similar to chain-drives, only much more silent due to the use of belts.
What is a high cycle spring?
A high cycle spring typically lasts five times longer than a normal spring that currently exists on your garage door. The length and wire of such springs are slightly different. Our experts advise owners to only deal with a trusted company like ours while buying such springs as there is now way to tell a spring is high cycle by just looking at it.